电 话: +86-186 1118 5945 热 线: +86-138 3310 2548 邮 箱: balston@126.com Call : 1-800-343-4048 (U.K.) 网站:www.balston.com.cn

Balston Compressed Air Dryers - PSA(Desiccant) PSA压缩空气干燥器(干燥剂)


alston Regenerative PSA Desiccant Air Dryer reduces the atmospheric dewpoint of compressed air without operator attention. The Balston model 75-A20NA will reduce the dewpoint to -100°F (-73°C). The dryer is delivered complete and ready for easy installation. The dryer has coalescing prefilters with automatic drains, PSA drying towers, a particulate final filter, a moisture indicator, differential pressure indicator, and pretested controls.

欲了解更多Balston滤芯信息 请致电:186 1118 5945 或邮件 balston@126.com

 Features & Benefits of Parker Balston Membrane Air Dryers

- Reduces dewpoint to -100°F (-73°C)
- Unattended 24 hour operation
- Lightweight and compact
- Silent operation
- No dessicant to change
- Wall mountable


- Pneumatic Tool Stations
- HVAC Systems
- Air lines subject to sub-freezing temps
- Blanketing moisture sensitive materials

- Instrument air for analyzer buildings
- Dry air for hazardous areas
- Spray painting
- Pneumatic instrumentation


型号 露点 流量 温度范围 压力范围 更多细节 关键词
75-A20-12VDC         向我们咨询 备件
75-A20JA-100 -100F Pressure Dewpoint 10 SCFM 25℃ 最高   壁挂式安装 Balston,压缩空气,干燥器,膜式干燥器
75-A20NA -100F Pressure Dewpoint 10 SCFM 25℃ 最高   壁挂式安装 Balston,压缩空气,干燥器,膜式干燥器
75-A20UK         向我们咨询 备件

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